Remember back in 2006 the internet was still in its infancy really. Napster had opened up digital music in the 90s, but it still wasn't easy to find music by bands like these online. You couldn't just type their name in google and have a complete playlist wash over you. So, I thought I'd share what I had. I had digitized a lot of my mod catalog a few years before that and so I had the mp3s and could share them. And now here we are 500 shows later.
I gotta tell you after doing this show for 15 years, this modcast is really the first love letter to myself. I've collected some of my favorite artists and a few of my favorite songs, fitting them all into a strange little theme that Mrs. Suave came up with. I struggled to figure out a good way to hang 500 shows together for this one particular modcast. I just couldn't come up with a good theme. And then she dropped this little gem on me. Let's see if you can figure it out. If you do, let me know.
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Isaac Hayes
Style Council
Three O'Clock
English Beat
Sergie Mendes & Brazil '66
Agent Orange
Combustible Edison
Oingo Boingo
Did this one way back in the third season of the modcast.
What is Mr. Suave's Mod Mod World
The Drinking Man's Diet made me the man I am today. No carbs, lotsa gin. What can I say.
The Drinking Man's Diet
Just a little video thingy I did for fun.
The Leopards - Psychadelic Boy
Mr. Suave's Mod Mod World. Mod friendly music mixes since 2006.