Any thoughts of doing more “retro London”? Maybe something “Blow Up”? David Hemmings would be flattered! Thinking about it, did “3 Black Crows” cover that ground? Then maybe go for a “mod” theme…we’d all buy the prints!You'll wanna read the whole thing, and then you'll probably want to break out the exotica vinyl.
Retro London is a recurring theme. “Blow Up” is one of my absolute favorite films and it definitely inspired “3 Black Crows”. I stayed away from the subject for a while because it was so identified with “Austin Powers” in most people’s minds but I am planning more “Swinging London” themes in the future.
I thought this was interesting too:
Why the animals? Wolves & apes seem to appear quite regularly!Funny story. When I was in high school a few of the mods I was hanging out with came up with Indian themed nick names, a few associated with scooters like Rolling Thunder and Rumbling Bull. Mine was for my tendency toward a certain style of vintage shirts, I was Paisley Wolf. Suave womanizer indeed.
I started using animals as a way to tell people that I wasn’t painting the “real” world…I didn’t want people to look at the work and think it was a depiction of actual life. Many of the animals represent personality types: the wolf is a “suave womanizer”, and the bull represents that part of being a male which is totally subjugated by the opposite sex.