Ages ago I discovered this great blog (yes blog!) called Ice Cream Man Power Pop & More. It was highlighting all the exact types of music that I loved. Eventually that morphed into the fantastic Ice Cream Man Power Pop & More Podcast and Ice Cream Man Power Pop & More Records, run by the even more fantastic, prince of power pop promotion, Wayne Lundqvist Ford. I'd be shocked --shocked I tell you-- if you could find anyone who has done more to promote independent artists playing all the great types of mod friendly music from power pop to northern soul and everything in between. His compilations featuring new and old bands are legendary for breaking new sounds as well as sometime being so vast you're riding high for weeks listening to them all.
So, I invited him to chat about new music, old music, what is good music, and more. He even kindly brought some brand new tunes to share with us all.
Where's Wayne at? Well, like Roy Kent he's here, he's there, he's every f*cking where.
Ice Cream Man Power Pop & More Podcast (Podomatic)
Ice Cream Man Power Pop & More Records (Bandcamp)
Ice Cream Man Power Pop & More (Facebook)
Ice Cream Man Power Pop & More (Twitter)
BTW: Wayne guest hosted a couple of modcasts back in the day, one of which has even survived into the present: Modcast #276: With Guest Host The Ice Cream Man.
Listen Now
The Shambles -- It's A Mod Mod World (2006)
ANC4 -- Is It Me Again (2021)
Mark And The Clouds -- You Wanna Put Me Down (2021)
The RU Handies -- Raining Teardrops (2021)
The Len Price 3 -- Sucking The Life Out Of Me (2017)
The Most -- Howl (2021)
Small Faces -- Hey Girl (1967)
Velvet Starlings -- Kids In Droves (2019)
Mr. Suave's Mod Mod World. Mod friendly music mixes since 2006.