This week you're going to get a full dose of sunny, hot, summer songs.
But don't blame me, it's not my fault. Give credit where credit is due right, so I have to give credit and a shout out to one of the best blogs on the net Music Ruined My Life. If you dig power pop, punk, pop-punk, mod, new wave and so on then Music Ruined My Life should be one of the blogs you follow. Jeffen the man behind the blog recently did a great post featuring summer songs -- which got me to thinking. I started putting together a list in my mind and voila here's the modcast to prove it.
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The Cute Lepers -- It's Summertime Baby
Psychotic Youth -- Summer is On
Hidden Peace -- Summer of Love
The Infidels -- Summertime Sucks
Fountains of Wayne -- It Must Be Summer
Honey Rider -- Summer of My Life
PAS/CAL -- Summer Is Almost Here
The School -- Summers Here
Seth Swirsky -- Sonic Ferris Wheel
Jeffrey Foskett -- I Live For The Sun
Mr. Suave's Reviews You Can Use Acid House Kings
Acid House Kings -- Are We Lovers Or Are We Friends?
The Californias -- Summer Days
60 Ft. Dolls -- Back To The Summer
Seargent -- Sunshine
The Billionaires -- The End Of Summer Song
Seargent -- Sunshine
60 Ft. Dolls - Stay